Producer of high quality polyethylene products

+38 (044) 492-82-06
For European partners:
+31 970 1028 1388

Products for the agricultural industry

Agro tanks for transportation

Tanks with thick walls
and additional ribs of strength

Tanks for mounted agricultural sprayers

Tanks for mounted agricultural sprayers

Tanks for trailed agricultural sprayers

Tanks for trailed agricultural sprayers

Grain tanks

Grain tanks for sowing machines

Fertilizer tanks

Fertilizer tanks for sowing machines

Tanks for chemical fertilizers

Mounted tanks for chemical fertilizers

Tanks for seed dressing

Навесные баки для протравки семян

Tanks for bulk products

Mounted tanks for bulk products

Components for harvesters

The set of polyethylene products for harvesters

Base for a fertilizer spreader

Plastic base for fertilizer spreaders

Animal feeders

Animal feeders

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