Producer of high quality polyethylene products

+38 (044) 492-82-06
For European partners:
+34 697 37 11 82

Plastic tanks for drinking water, chemicals or fuels

plastic tanks, plastic containers, buy a food barrelRectangular tanksSlim tanksShower tanksHorizontal tanks
500-2 000L
For Shower
150-5 000L
containers for transportation, containers for showers, containers for picklingTanks for transportationVertical tanksTanks for salting
For transportation
500-6 700L
100-10 000L
For salting
We manufacture tanks with capacity from 100 to 10000l. These tanks are used for storage of:

These tanks are produced by rotational molding from high-strength, frost, food polyethylene. The material is resistant to UV product exposure does not alter the physical and chemical properties in the temperature range from -40 ° C to +60 ° C. The strength of tanks provided by the ribs and shape of products. Learn more...

Rectangular tanks

We produce plastic rectangular tanks with capacity from 100 to 500l.

This series is specially designed for easy storage and transportation of products. Special recess on the bottom of the tanks corresponds to the diameter of the cover and enables stable stacking of SG-tanks.

When storing and sending a large number of tanks, storage and transport costs are significantly reduced.

Rectangular tanksRectangular tanks SG-100Rectangular tanks SG-200Rectangular tanks SG-300
Type Volume, lDimensions a/ b /h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
SG - 100100800 / 480 / 3402203/43,5
SG - 2002001000 / 480 / 5052203/43,5
SG - 3003001230 / 600 / 5252203/44
Rectangular tanks
Пластиковая емкость SK-400
Rectangular plastic food tanks for water and chemicals
Пластиковая емкость SK-100Пластиковая емкость SK-200Пластиковая емкость SK-300Пластиковая емкость SK-400Пластиковая емкость SK-500
Type Volume, lDimensions a/ b /h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
SK - 100100690 / 480 / 4382003/43,5
SK - 180180880 / 530 / 5303503/43,5
SK - 200200785 / 610 / 5663503/43,5
SK - 3003001095 / 630 / 5653503/44
SK - 4004001265 / 670 / 6273503/44
SK - 5005001565 / 655 / 6103503/44
SK - 6506501700 / 810 / 6303203/44
SK - 8508501700 / 1000 / 6703203/44

Slim tanks

We produce plain tanks with capacity from 1 000 to 2 000l.

Plain tanks go through a standard doorway. They take up little space in a room and are easy to transport. The hole in the middle allows to conveniently attach tank, and stands also as a rib of strength.

Flat square plastic containers
Вертикальная квадратная Емкость BK-1000Плоская квадратная Емкость B-1000Плоская квадратная Емкость B-2000
Type Volume, lDimensions a/ b /h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
BK - 500500680 / 680 / 12503504
BK - 750750730 / 730 / 161535014.5
BK - 10001000780 / 780 / 194535015
B - 100010001532 / 670 / 130635015
B - 200019002350 / 765 / 143735016

Shower tanks

We produce shower tanks with capacity of 140l. and 200l. and summer shower cabins.

This type of tanks is used for the organization of summer showers. Black color provides water heating in the sun. The tapered bottom ensures 100% water drainage.

Type Volume, lDimensions a/ b /h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
Shower tank 100l 95800 / 800 / 1882201/23,5
Shower tank 102l100800 / 800 / 2612201/23,5
Shower tank 140l 140900 / 900 / 2872201/24
Shower tank 160l160900 / 900 / 2962201/24
Shower tank 200l2001175 / 1175 / 2743501/24,5

Horizontal tanks

We produce plastic horizontal tanks with capacity from 150 to 5 000l.

In contrast to V-Series tanks low center of gravity of horizontal G-series tanks provides complete stability.

Type Volume, lDimensions D/h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
G - 8585700 / 430 / 4412203/43,5
G - 150150700 / 574 / 5832203/43,5
G - 2502501060 / 574 / 5832203/43,5
G - 350350920 / 768 / 7812003/44
G - 5005001100 / 850 / 8303503/44
G - 5055001320 / 812 / 7333503/44
G - 750 7501400 / 960 / 8303503/44
G - 100010001500 / 1029 / 10293503/44,5
G - 100110001600 / 1054 / 87735014,5
G - 150015001500 / 1237 / 123440014,5
G - 150115001840 / 1151 / 105435014,5
G - 200220002020 / 1340 / 108340015
Type Volume, lDimensions D/h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
G - 300030002350 / 1434 / 12803501 1/45,5

Tanks for transportation

Перегородки внутри
G-5000 AGRO SP
G-5000 AGRO на прицепе
G-5000 AGRO на сельхозтехнике

We produce tanks for transportation with capacity from 150 to 5000l. Difference, comparing to horizontal tanks :

Type Volume, lDimensions a/ b /h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
SK - 400E400*1265 / 670 / 6273503/44.5
SK - 650E650*1700 / 810 / 6303303/45.5
SK - 501E500*1565 / 655 / 6104003/45
SK - 850E850*1700 / 1000 / 6703303/46
G - 505E500*1320 / 812 / 7333503/45.5
G - 1000E1000*1500 / 1030 / 10303503/46
G - 1001E1000*1600 / 1054 / 9003506
G - 1500E1500*1500 / 1230 / 123040016
G - 1501E1500*1840 / 1151 / 105435016
G - 2000E2000*2130 / 1200 / 125040016.5
G - 2002E2000*2020 / 1340 / 108335016.5
G - 3000E3000*2320 / 1440 / 12803507
G - 5000E5000*2400 / 2000 / 15094009
G - 6000Е6000*2400 / 2000 / 180040010.5
G - 6700Е6700*2700 / 2150 / 162040011
G - 5000 AGRO5000*2470 / 1784 / 1850400-10
G - 5000 AGRO SP5000*2470 / 1784 / 1850400-10
T - 5000E5000*2470 / 2240 / 11804009.5

Vertical Chemical tanks

Type Volume, lDimensions D/h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
V - 6060Ø363/6631103,5
V - 130130Ø468/8701103,5
V - 200200Ø580/8501103.5

Vertical High tanks

Type Volume, lDimensions D/h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
V - 105105Ø400/913350-3,5
V - 320320Ø600/13902203/43,5
V - 10031000Ø1940/8103503/45

Vertical Wide tanks

We produce plastic vertical tanks with capacity from 100 to 10 000l.

These tanks are well suited not only for industrial use but also for the household. Special recesses allow convenient carrying of tanks.

Type Volume, lDimensions D/h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
V - 6060Ø363/6631103,5
V - 100100Ø480/6502203/43,5
V - 105105Ø400/913350-3,5
V - 130130Ø468/8701103,5
V - 200200Ø580/8501103.5
V - 250250Ø600/10912203/43,5
V - 300300Ø710/8773503/43,5
V - 320320Ø600/13902203/43,5
V - 350350Ø744/9803503/43,5
V - 470470Ø650/1515350-3,5
V - 500500Ø830/10753503/44
V - 505500Ø740/14403503/44
V - 750750Ø744/199035014
V - 990990Ø740/255035015
Type Volume, lDimensions D/h (mm)Neck diameter, mmThread, inchWall, mm
V - 10001000Ø1030/14003503/44,5
V - 10011000Ø768/231335014,5
V - 15001500Ø1184/162535014,5
V - 20002000Ø1230/2000813714,5
V - 30003000Ø1630/16004001 1/46
V - 50005000Ø1850/21004001 1/46
V - 50025000Ø2400/1498400-6
V - 70007000Ø2400/1879400-6,5
V - 7000E7000Ø2400/1879400-8
V - 1000010000Ø2400/2728400-7,5
V - 10000E10000Ø2400/2728400-10

Tanks for salting

We produce tanks for salting with capacity of 110 l. and 380 l.

They are made from food-grade polyethylene of high quality and are recommended as containers for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and fish.

Although tank polyethylene is food-grade, tanks are suitable for corrosive environments and heavy-duty. Containers for salting have a range of operating temperatures from -30 to +50 C and are resistant to UV exposure.

Type Volume, lDimensions a/ b /h (mm)Wall, mm
C - 7575403 / 403 / 8094
C - 380380710 / 710 / 13455

Pallets for tanks

We produce large and small plastic pallets for tanks. One pallet fits to tanks with different dimensions.

Pallets provide environmental and fire safety when draining the tank contents (motor oil, antifreeze, diesel fuel, and a variety of corrosive substances).

Type Volume, lDimensions a /b /h (mm)
PE - 1001801831 / 1231 / 194
PE - 2002502342 / 1342 / 200

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