Producer of high quality polyethylene products

+38 (044) 492-82-06
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Marine and River Buoys

Marine and river buoys – are floating navigational signs used for defining shipping routes.

Its body consists of lower and upper parts. The lower part provides buoyancy, unsinkability and vertical position of the buoy, the lower part is an element of buoyancy. The upper part is a signal element which provides mariners with all necessary information due to its shape, color and type of signal.

The element of buoyancy is a pressurized compartment which is filled with foam. The foam increases durability and reliability of pressurized compartment and also provides unsinkability of the buoy even in case of emergency.

Ballast is attached to lower part that ensures stability of the buoy taking into account possible currents and wind load.

Color of the buoy and its superstructure should be specified when making an order and must meet the requirements of a “Unified system of marking”.

TypeDimensions a/b/h, mmVolume, l Price
River buoy1400 / 1400 / 2043ask for price

Our foam filling technology:

Order custom buoy

Today we are interested in being engaged into different buoy projects.

We are full-cycle rotomolding producers. This means that our supply chain has stages such as: computer 3d model design, development of prototype, mass production and quality control.

We are looking for cooperation with companies who specialize on buoys, to become a supplier of plastic parts.

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